A catch drain is a drainage system that is designed to capture and divert surface water or stormwater runoff. It typically consists of a grate or grating that is installed at the surface level, a channel or trench that is dug below the surface to collect the water, and a pipe or other conduit that carries the water away to a discharge point.

A grating is a type of metal or plastic mesh that is used to cover the opening of a catch drain to prevent debris and large objects from entering the drainage system. The grating typically sits flush with the surface level and is secured in place with anchors or other fastening devices.

The details of a catch drains and grating system can vary depending on the specific application and location. Factors to consider when designing and installing a catch drain and grating include the volume and flow rate of the expected water runoff, the type of surface and surrounding area, and local building and safety codes.

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Catch drains and grating detail drawing – 1

A catch drains and grating detail drawing is a technical illustration that provides detailed information about the design and construction of a catch drains and grating system.

It typically includes the following elements:

  • Elevation view: This shows the catch drain and grating as it will appear when installed, including the location and size of the grate, the depth of the channel or trench, and the position of the pipe or conduit that carries the water away.
  • Plan view: This shows the catch drain and grating from a bird’s eye view, including the location of the grate and channel/trench in relation to the surrounding surface and any other drainage features.
  • Cross-sectional view: This shows a cutaway view of the catch drain and grating, including the construction details of the grate, channel/trench, and pipe/conduit.
  • Materials and specifications: This details the materials to be used in the construction of the catch drain and grating, including the type of grate, channel/trench, and pipe/conduit, as well as any other relevant information such as the size, depth, and slope of the drainage features.
  • Notes and annotations: These provide additional information about the installation and maintenance of the catch drain and grating, such as the recommended spacing between grates, the recommended slope for the channel/trench, and any other relevant information.

It is important to note that the information provided in the detail drawing should meet local building codes and regulations.

Our tips to help you improve your architectural catch drain and grating detailing.

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